The most productive choice for specialty grinding.
Built upon the proven RG400 platform, Loram’s RGS Specialty Rail Grinder features 24 stones driven by 30 hp electric motors, achieving class-leading metal removal, productivity and throughput. The RGS grinds at speeds up to 12 mph in open rail grinding applications and typically grinds a crossing or each switch unit in two to five minutes.
The Loram RGS can grind tangent and curved rail with the same quality as a production rail grinder, yet offers true performance and precision to grind switches, crossings and other obstacles. This makes the Loram RGS an ideal choice for a dedicated specialty rail grinding solution on heavy haul railroads or a versatile dual-purpose machine on commuter rail. With more grind stones per rail than any other specialty rail grinder and twelve, fully flexible grind motors for each rail, as few as three passes are needed to grind the entire railhead. The Loram RGS vastly reduces the amount of time spent at each obstacle, producing superior grind profiles in fewer passes than any other specialty rail grinder in the world.